

headquarter building of togo pan-african economic bank undertaken by our institute completed

date: 2011-07-05

on 28 june, 2011, grand ribbon cutting ceremony for completion of headquarter building of pan-african economic bank (ecobank) undertaken by our institute was held in lome, capital of togo, and was attended by president hu ping, vice president yu shiyi and their parties. over a thousand of people, including togo president faure, prime minister humboldt, and high government officials, diplomatic corps, china ambassador to togo, west african economic community, economic and monetary union of west africa, ecobank bank shareholders and journalists of many countries attended the ceremony.   


headquarter building of ecobank

prime minister of togo - humboldt made an opening speech and said ecobank headquarter building project is a second to none, high quality, modernized landmark architecture, and togo government paid high attention to this project, and appreciated that all parties made positive contributions to this project and development of togo.

ecobank ceo indicated in his speed that smooth completion of this project was an important step for development strategy of ecobank, and was also the grandest meeting of west african union after 26 years, and praised and appreciated our institute many times.


        this project is a modernized architectural complex few in number in togo for the past few years, and becomes landmark architecture in lome, the capital.

        togo tv station, commerce department of china embassy to togo, lome branch of xinhua new agency, multiple media in west africa had deepened report to cutting-ribbon ceremony of completion, which had a good demonstration effect and promoted the influence of our institute in west african region greatly.


institute leaders had cordial talks with african guests.

in recent years, our institute has implemented a strategy of "going-out" actively, and made great effort to introduce overseas talents with engineering experience, and continuously opened overseas development space, and made some achievements in overseas contracting, government assistance project and international trade, and promoted the international overall influence and competitiveness of our institute. ecobank is an important step for our "going-out" strategy. since the time that our institute signed the general contract of this project in 2009, the leaders of our institute have paid high attention to it, and organized the resources of the whole institute, and overcome all kinds of difficulties, and provided a powerful support for completion of this high quality, and high level project as scheduled. smooth completion of this project is not only a reflection of the strength of our institute, and also wins favorable praise of foreign parties, and opens a more wider space for our development in africa.



leaders of institute conveyed warmly greetings to project involved personnel, and took a group photo to mark the occasion





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