

ceedi’s congo (brazzaville) oyo court project pass final acceptance

date: 2013-06-05

ceedi’s congo (brazzaville) oyo court project has passed the final acceptance. many congo’s senior officials participated in the handover ceremony, including chief project manager of major projects committee of congo (brazzaville), chief director of planning bureau in department of justice, and president of oyo court.

it is one of the major construction projects located in oyo city which is the hometown of president of congo (brazzaville). the total floor area is 3800 m2 and the construction period is 26 months.

it is also the third project successfully completed by ceedi in the city after the completion of oyo government office building project and oyo district government office building project. ceedi has gained recognition of high performance from the local government and lays a solid foundation to expand congo market in the future.

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