

ceeid’s patent on the multi-stage impulse turbine with internal dehumidify and reheat functions is granted the 15th wipo-sipo award

date: 2013-01-18

the invention patent on the multi-stage impulse turbine with internal dehumidify and reheat functions developed by beijing century yuanbo, a subsidiary of ceedi, is granted the 15th wipo-sipo award.

ceedi submitted the files of the patent to sdic, parent firm of ceedi, as required for the 15th wipo-sipo award started to be prepared in february 2013. after selected by sdic, introduced by the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of china, and reviewed by the state intellectual property office of china (sipo) and the world intellectual property organization (wipo), ceedi’s patent is selected and granted the award of excellence.

the patent breaks the bottleneck of the efficiency utilization of low-quality waste heat resource and can be widely used in the saturated-steam power generation industry in china. it plays a vital role in promoting china’s development of waste heat technology.

the wipo-sipo award was established in 1989. it is recognized by wipo and represents the top patent award granted by the chinese government. the purpose of setting up the award is to encourage inventor, stimulate innovation and improve patent quality.

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produced by cms 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2021/07/30 10:52:20