

ceedi’s gm met with the delegation of the royal medical bureau of jordan

date: 2018-07-11

to strengthen the synergy of sdic and explore the overseas market together, ceedi and china national complete plant import and exprt corporation (group) (complant) jointly hosted general habashnai and his delegation of the royal medical bureau of jordan. lou yu, ceedi’s general manager, attended the meeting.

the purpose of the delegation is to inspect the ceedi’s capabilities of engineering design and project management in hospital project and have a deep understanding of the technical level of medical facilities and equipment manufacturing in china. during the visit, lou welcomed the arrival of the delegation and introduced ceedi’s main achievements reached in hospital projects, and conducted a in-depth communication and exchange on the king medical city project proposed by the jordan party. subsequently, the delegation visited the peking university international hospital project which is designed by ceedi and gave a high praise to the design and ability of ceedi. general habashnai said that he has deepened his understanding of ceedi through the field visit, and hopes to cooperate with ceedi in the king medical city project in the future.


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