

build the world’s brightest light source as a role of project planner

date: 2019-04-18

recently, ceedi obtained the official approval of the national development and reform commission (ndrc) on the feasibility study report of the high energy synchrotron radiation source project after one year of development effort. this is a major national science and technology infrastructure project of the 13th five-year plan, of which the successful execution is expected to build the world’s brightest light source.


the high energy synchrotron radiation source project is planned to commence the construction in huairou science town in 2019 with a 6.5-year construction period. the proposed light source is to be built with the electronic energy of 6gev and emissivity of 0.06-0.1nm•rad, which is the highest spectral brightness. when the project is completed, it will set up a high-end science and technology platform for the national innovation-driven development in the world’s leading science and technology fields, the major national demand fields and national economic fields. since all the performance indicators of the high energy synchrotron radiation source project hit the no. 1 of the world, the feasibility study covers multifarious contents related with big technological difficulties and complicated process. during the development of feasibility study, ceedi project team had made extraordinarily great efforts in order to ensure the smooth proceeding of the project without any delay. from the beginning to the task, all the team was highly dedicated to collecting a large number of similar project data and travelling to shanghai and brazil for study tours to similar completed and under-construction projects. based on the thorough investigation and studies, the project team carried out complete research on the key subjects such as anti-micro vibration, uneven settlement control, equipment handling and transportation, radiation protection, temperature control, fire protection, energy conservation and investment, carefully compared and selected various solutions, and organized structured analysis on disorderly construction items.
the proceeding of the project has been attached much importance by ceedi high management. zhang dingyuan (the board chairman of ceedi), lou yu (the president of ceedi) and wang hong (the deputy party secretary) showed great solicitude for the project and provided practical direction about the early investigation and technical contribution. the master feasibility study report and sub report of systems, totally 3 volumes and more than 2000 pages, were accomplished in march of 2018, and passed the assessment of the expert panel consisting of the panel lead, chen jia’er , the academician of cas, and many other cas and cae academicians. in addition, the feasibility study report passed the assessment of ndrc in june of 2018 and was approved by ndrc in december of 2018, which laid a solid foundation for the follow-up efforts of the project.
the accomplishment of the feasibility study report of the high energy synchrotron radiation source project embodies the excellent coordination among different department of ceedi, lays the foundation for the whole-process engineering consulting business, enriches the experience of ceedi in large complicated project consulting, establish a good reputation of ceedi, and demonstrates ceedi’s enterprise spirit of “respect for people, career and science” and “pursuit of high quality, high efficiency and excellence”.


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